St. Pat’s Day

It already feels like months since I planted the snow peas, but finally I feel like the time is nigh and I’ve put some seeds in the ground. For three consecutive Sundays we’ve had snow, sun, cold gusts…

The three humble rows on the left are the beginning of greens this season. We have seed potatos from Irish Eyes Farm waiting to go in the ground, soon we’ll also have some from Wood Prairie Farm. These will be planted outside the fence since the deer don’t usually munch them. Below the potato/squash bed will be my test plot of horseradish. I’ve been growing it it the garden for many years and harvesting it for my own use, but now I’m going to grow a larger batch for a prepared horseradish business I want to start. This bed is where I will attempt to grow it like the commerical growers do–planting it and then about a month later “lifting” it to break off feeder roots to create one large taproot. To the right of those two beds are three artichokes and I haven’t decided what else to plant there.

~ by rosetta11 on March 17, 2009.

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